Our Added Services


GUI translation based on Microsoft standard terminology:

Microsoft publishes indeed the standard terminology for all MS applications, yet all MS dictionaries have only English as source language. On top of that the English-German dictionary does not have the same structure as its English - French counterpart, thus making it impossible to translate directly and easily from German into French by these means.

Nevertheless, thanks to our efforts and expertise, we can provide you with an automated German - French translation of your GUI strings, using Multilizer and our databanks. On the basis of the official Microsoft dictionaries, we built for your convenience a German - French terminology containing some 80'000 entries. We can of course do the same for other languages as well.


User documentation translation

Beside Multilizer we use highly specialized translator tools (translation memories, terminology managers, terminology extraction tools, etc.) that we can link with Multilizer to guarantee the highest quality translation for your user manuals, help files, error messages, etc.


Marketing documentation translation

White papers and marketing documentation are quite often the first access to your software. They should therefore be written, and translated, with special care and, like any documentation, be consistent with your product's terminology.


Translation memory building

The former multilingual versions of your product is a treasure in itself, even if the translation was made without today's professional tools.

We can transform your former documentation (including GUIs and all text components) in a most useful translation memory resulting in time and cost savings.


Company's terminology building

Your terminology belongs to your company's blood. It is the support of your knowledge, the link that creates harmony between services like marketing and after sale.

How to record, manage and apply your terminology in the best possible way? What are your real needs? We can help!


Multilingual dictionary building

A corporate multilingual dictionary offers more than just multilingual consistency: it also proposes quality assurance tools, easier multilingual support, savings during translation, offers a management tool to ensure workflow consistency form R&D to after sale services, and makes it possible to take immediate advantage of the next generation of machine translation tools.



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