MULTILIZER 6.0 for Java is the complete solution for localization
of any Java software. It's based entirely on the international
support of Java, thus ensuring 100% compatibility with Java
Multilizer localizes reosurce bundles and property files
of J2EE, J2SE, and J2ME applications; localization of any
software -- including mobile -- is supported. Multilizer also
allows localization of Java source code directly.
The all-in-one solution for Java localization
Multilizer supports localization of J2EE, J2SE, and J2ME applications;
just anything developed in Java can be localized.
Cut down errors in translation;
Multilizer localizes Java resources in user-friendly way;
it shows strings without Unicode escapes. This makes the life
easier for translators, and cuts down potential sources for
Visually localize source files
Multilizer shows Java code visually; code (*.java) is visualized
as read-only, but strings can be localized.
Improve translation consistency and overall quality;
Multilizer Translation Memory stores translations for re-use,
and fuzzy-matching ensure the most efficient use of company's
valuable terminology.
Re-use translations from existing software;
On creating a new project, Multilizer automatically recognizes
existing languages and translations, and re-uses them.
Save time and money by automating manual localization tasks;
Multilizer Wizards simplify typical localization tasks, such
as creating project, building localized items, and much more.
Achieve higher quality automatically;
Multilizer validation finds localization issues and possible
typing errors automatically, and even corrects typical errors.
Manage costs with advanced statistics;
Comprehensive and easy-to-read statistics help in creating
cost estimates.